
Designer is part of Syntelate XA. Designer is used to create the user interfaces that your agents and supervisors will work from. The Syntelate XA user interfaces are presented in what we call a desktop. In Syntelate XA there are three types of desktop:

  • Syntelate XA Agent Desktop
  • Syntelate XA Configuration Desktop
  • Syntelate XA Dashboard Desktop

Use Designer to design desktops for agents and supervisors to work from in Syntelate XA.

Here is an example of a Syntelate XA Agent Desktop:

Screenshot of Emily's chat in Syntelate XA

Designer provides tools for designing the elements that make up desktops: Script Designer, Data Entry Designer, Grid Designer, and Action Builder.

In addition, Designer includes the Universe Builder, which lets you design your data universe, and the Query Builder, which lets you visually design SQL queries to create database views.

Note: You can restrict user access to Syntelate Designer. Contact the Inisoft Support team at if you would like to add the Designer User Permissions configuration pane to your Syntelate XA Configuration Desktop.

Design Time vs Runtime

When you’re working in Designer creating or editing desktops and their associated elements, we call this design time. When a user is logged in Syntelate XA and working on a particular desktop, this is runtime.

Test and Live Databases

An installation of Syntelate XA usually uses two databases: a test database and a live database.

Note: A simple deployment of Syntelate XA may use only a single database (the live database). If you’re not sure of your setup, contact Inisoft Support at Support and Training .

Where two databases are used, both the test database and the live database have their own design time and runtime environments. Each of these can be accessed via the appropriate URL:

  • Test design time: http://your-test-url/Designer
  • Test runtime: http://your-test-url/Desktop
  • Live design time: http://your-live-url/Designer (read-only)
  • Live runtime: http://your-live-url/Desktop

When you create, edit, and update desktops, you do so in the test design time environment. You then use the test runtime environment to test your changes. You can do this while agents continue to help customers on your live runtime environment.

When you’re happy with your changes, go to Version Control in Desktop Designer to automatically copy your changes from the test database to the live database. The updated desktop can then be used by agents.

Note: There’s also a Designer in your live environment (live design time), but this Designer is read-only. You’ll rarely need to look at this.

On occasion, though, you may be working on updating a desktop and decide it’d be really helpful if you could take a look at how it was before you started making your changes. When this happens, just open up Designer in your live environment and take a look.