Action: a set of one or more action steps that Syntelate XA performs when the action is run at runtime.
Action step: something done as part of an action, such as setting the value of a database field, hiding a data entry control, or showing a message in a dialog box.
Agent: a user that can log in to Syntelate XA. Every Syntelate XA user must be set up as an “agent”, regardless of their job title at your contact center.
Agent group: a group of one or more agents. Use agent groups to control access to workzones, to control which agents handle which interactions, and so on.
App settings: settings in an XML file for a Syntelate XA service. Provide advanced configuration options.
Blind transfer: a button in the telephony toolbar that lets the agent transfer the customer to another number “blind” or “cold”. The agent is immediately disconnected from the customer upon initiating the transfer. Compare transfer.
CALLSTATUSLOGGING (table): a database table that records every change of call state. Captures information about chats and emails as well as voice calls.
Completion code: a reason for ending an interaction. Can be assigned to a completion button.
Conference: a button on the telephony toolbar that initiates a three-way conference call with the customer and another party (available on a consult).
Consult: a button on the telephony toolbar that lets the agent consult with another party (putting the customer on hold).
CONTACT_X (table): a database table that stores customers’ details and contains one record for every customer.
CTI: computer telephony integration. Syntelate XA supports various CTI solutions.
Data entry element: a form containing one or more data entry controls, such as text boxes, dropdowns, and so on. Can be added to a desktop or a script.
Data source: a source of data that a universe can access, such as an external database.
Data source object: an object in a data source that a universe can access, such as a particular database table.
Designer: the interface that you use to design desktops, data entry elements, scripts, and so. Made up of various tiles, such as the Desktop Designer. Compare runtime.
Desktop: the user interface that agents use to view information, enter data, and so on. Made up of controls such as data entry elements, scripts, and workloads.
Fulfilment: one or more SQL statements that are run against a result set of records returned by a SQL Select statement. Fulfilments can be scheduled to be run at regular intervals and can, for example, automatically create emails or SMS to be sent out to customers, say to request feedback after an interaction.
Fulfilment Service: the service responsible for running Fulfilments.
GENERAL (table): a database table containing various general settings for Syntelate XA.
Grid: a table linked to a data source object. Grids can display data from this object. Agents can also use grids to add, update, and delete records in the object.
iframe: a data entry control that shows another web page.
Interaction: a general term referring to any type of contact between an agent and a customer (outbound voice call, inbound voice call, email, web chat, SMS chat, social media chat).
INTERACTION_X (table): a database table that contains one record for every interaction with a customer, regardless of channel.
Inbound Gateway Service: a service that checks monitored email mailboxes for new emails from customers. Also handles chat.
Interval: a time slot to which agents can assign tasks, such as appointments or callbacks.
Jump point: a script control that lets you jump to another point in your script.
Message gateway: a configuration for a non-voice channel, such as an email mailbox or Facebook page to monitor.
Message Host: a web application that hosts chat.
Not ready reason: a reason for an agent going not ready, such as “Lunch break” or “End of shift”. When an agent is not ready, Syntelate XA does not pass them work.
Outbound Gateway Service: a service that processes outbound emails and outbound SMS messages (but not SMS chats).
Phonebook: a collection of frequently contacted phone numbers (split into internal numbers and external numbers) that agents can access.
Redis: an in-memory data structure store. Stores certain data so that Syntelate XA can access it quickly, rather than having to always go to the database.
REP_CALLSTATS (view): a database view that includes one record for each agent who works on an interaction. It specifies the length of time that the agent spent in each call state.
REP_CALLSTATS2 (view): a database view that includes one record for each change of call state. It specifies the length of time that the agent spent in that call state.
Role: in Syntelate Studio, the role or roles assigned to each user decides the tiles that they can access, and whether they have read-only or write access to each tile.
Runtime: when agents are logged in to Syntelate XA working through interactions, this is “runtime”. Compare Designer.
Script: a prompt that tells agents what to say and do at each point in a call. A script will generally branch into two or more possible paths based on how the customer replies to each question.
Smart text: text that an agent can quickly insert into a chat.
Snippet: text that an agent can quickly insert into an email.
Syntelate Studio: a web application used to configure many “backend” aspects of Syntelate XA, such as worklist imports and message gateways.
Syntelate XA: a web application that consists of Designer and runtime.
Tile: a section of the Designer or Syntelate Studio, such as the Desktop Designer or the Worklist Manager Importer.
TAPI Web API: a web API that enables communication between Syntelate XA and Avaya IP Office™ or Samsung.
Telephony toolbar: a toolbar on a desktop that lets the agent control their telephone (to answer calls, transfers calls, etc.).
Transfer: a button in the telephony toolbar that lets the agent transfer the customer to the other party from a consult (“warm transfer”). Compare blind transfer.
TSAPI Web API: a web API that enables communication between Syntelate XA and Avaya Aura® Communication Manager.
Universe: a collection of data source objects, including a unique INTERACTION_X table. The concept of universes makes it possible to separate data in a single installation of Syntelate XA.
View: in the Designer, a particular element (such as a desktop) that you currently have open. You can have multiple elements open at a time and freely navigate between these “views”.
Worklist Engine: a service responsible for passing all types of interaction to agents except for inbound calls.
Worklist Import Web API: a web API that allows records to be imported into the INTERACTION_X table via a JSON web API call.
workload: a desktop control that shows records that an agent is currently working on or records that the agent will soon have to work on.
workzone: An area of your contact center business that agents can log in to. When designing a desktop, it must be associated with a workzone. One workzone can contain multiple desktops.